ODAATW | One Day At A Time World

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A Gratitude-Filled Walk Through the A.A. G.S.O. Archives

Around five years ago I took it upon myself to visit the A.A. General Service Office headquarters located behind Riverside Church in Morningside Heights, Manhattan NY (they neighborhood I grew up in), to take a stroll through their archive department.

In the G.S.O. Archives are volumes of pictures, objects, and texts from the very early days of A.A., images of young Bill and Lois W., of Dr. Bob, and of the Stepping Stones residence Bill and Lois lived in, as well as the typewriter with which Bill W.’s secretary, Ruth Hock, typed the original manuscript of the A.A. “Big Book”, some snapshots of the fellow A.A. “roundtable” pioneers of the A.A., some important early articles written about our beloved organization and fellowship, and much more.

Since this is ODAATW, where the “w” stands for “world,” I share here, with those all over the world who may never make it to this shrine-like yet modest office space, these visual and thought-provoking, gratitude-inspiring, treasures.

Click any image below for slideshow.